without parameters.Admin Companion remembers your conversation history. This history is needed in every request for a choerent conversation. Therfore the number of tokens in your input increases with each request until an amount of around 8000 tokens (± 500 tokens).
When you have finalized one topic, you can clear the conversation history by calling ai -c
, which deletes the conversation history
and starts from scratch with only your input in the first request.
Admin Companion remembers your conversation history up to a maximum number of tokens (one token is about 0.75 words). The maximum request token size defines the size of the conversation history Admin Companion can remember. The standard setting is 8000 tokens.
Due to that, an initial question can flow out of the conversation history and Admin Companion does not remember anymore the initial question.
There are two options to get around this:
parameterai -s 120000 Who are you?
command next time also with the increased request token size, Admin Companion will remember the longer
command next time without the increased request token size, the history will be truncated before Admin Companion "thinks" about it.
ai -t Let us analyze the database my_funny_database. Always execute mysql commands with a -p parameter, so I can give the password
ai -r
If you only do not want to pay anything anymore, you can just cancel your subscription, as described in "How can I cancel my subscription?".
You wont pay any monthly fee anymore, but you will keep your account at ayonik, can log in and re-apply for a new subscription later.